Lessons With Tyler Keller

Tyler Keller teaches guitar players and musicians how to improve their musicianship using techniques, phrasing, and composing with the power of music theory.

Unlike many of the “trainers” you might find on the internet, Tyler has taught several hundreds of in person students in various styles utilizing the strategies he’ll be sharing with you.

Tyler uses these exact same principles for his own musicianship and music composition. He’s toured across the Midwest and played on stage with national acts such as Trapt, Drowning Pool, Saliva, Head Automatica, Tantric, Ludo. Tyler has trained hundreds of guitarists how to be more efficient and more accurate by leveraging geometric growth learning style to develop musicianship.

All of this experience culminates in a unique set of knowledge and skills that can help you to learn guitar faster and compose your own music and solos regardless of past musical experience.

*Note: Tyler’s results are not typical and they are in no way meant to be a prediction of what results you will achieve on guitar, if any, from using these techniques and strategies - see the full disclaimer at the bottom of the page)

Limited Time Availability

Tyler Keller

Virtuoso Guitarist and Musician

* Disclaimer - results will depend on a variety of factors including your own time, effort, energy and commitment. Please see my complete disclaimer at the bottom of the page

NOTE: This is an introductory lesson. There is no guarantee the principles or techniques being presented in this lesson will yield any results. You are scheduling a lesson for training to assist you in getting better at guitar and improving your technique and or music composition skills.

DISCLAIMER: I don't believe in "magic pill" solutions. If you're looking for a guitar lessons that will make you into a great guitarist overnight without learning new skills, techniques or putting forth any effort, then this lesson is NOT for you. I believe in working hard, and putting in the actual time to make continuous improvement to achieve excellence. While the information in this training is based on real-world results, I do not make any guarantees at all about your ability to get results or play guitar like you want with my ideas, information, or strategies. While I firmly believe this information can make a massive difference in your guitar playing, I also know that -- just as with anything else in life -- your results will depend entirely on your own time, effort, energy and commitment. My results are not typical. The results you have read about in testimonials are from my top students and are not typical. In fact, It's my opinion that most people who engage with any lessons, coaching or training usually do not get any of the results that they are looking for at all. I believe that it's because they don't take the actions on what they learn and they give up when they hit the inevitable roadblock that is likely to occur. If you want to succeed at anything -- Including learning how to play guitar -- you must have to have a solid plan, a good work ethic and the ability to keep working at your goals when you run into challenges. The purpose of this lesson is to asses where you are at and give you a sample of my training. All of the information is available in my terms & conditions, and privacy policy, which can be access by clicking the links below this page. If you appreciate the no-nonsense approach to learning to play guitar and you are aware that anything worth achieving in life is also worth working at, then I believe that you will be a perfect fit for what I have to offer and I would love to help you succeed in your guitar playing.