Limited Time


Tyler Keller

Virtuoso Guitarist and Musician

How To Find The Right Guitar Teacher For You In Omaha

There are hundreds of guitar teachers everywhere. You can hardly walk into a music store without bumping into one. They have also flooded the internet. Finding the right guitar teacher in Omaha is not a problem. Do a simple search and you’ll have a vast list to choose from. The trick is in finding a truly great guitar teacher. We are a rare breed. Many teachers learn how to play by taking lessons, some do it online, while others go to school. They know how to play the guitar. But that’s a far cry from knowing how to teach guitar.

Most guitar teachers teach using a trial-by-error, improvisational approach. That’s why so many students never soar to become great guitarists. If you have a mediocre teacher, there’s really not much hope for you ever becoming more than that. Sadly, most guitar students don’t put much thought into how good their teacher is. That’s why they become frustrated and end up quitting. You can avoid all this by simply finding the right guitar teacher. So, how do you go about doing that?

How do you locate a professional and experienced guitar instructor? It’s easy, if you’re reading this, you’ve just found him. I am in your local area, smile, be glad, and sing a happy tune. Your search for a great guitar teacher in Omaha is over. In case you’re halfway around the world, I don’t want you falling for quarks who call themselves teachers, while all they do is rip you off. Whichever the case, I’ll give you tips on finding the right teacher for taking guitar lessons.

Tips For Choosing A Guitar Teacher That’s Best For You

There are obvious factors that you should consider-cost of the guitar lessons and the location. How much are you willing to spend, and how far are you willing to go to get trained? Is the guitar teacher coming to give you lessons in your home? These vary from one person to another. They all depend on your situation and specific needs. However, there are other factors that cut across the board.

A great teacher combines musical skills and people skills. Both are crucial if you’re going to mold a student into an expert. The value skill on guitar is pretty much obvious. If I can’t drive, why would you bother coming for my driving lessons? There’s a reason why you only go for painting lessons from artist’s who have mastered the art. The same case applies to guitar lessons. The first and most important quality in a good teacher is that he is qualified to teach the instrument. If a person does not possess the knowledge to teach the instrument properly, then it doesn’t matter how well he conveys information, how enthusiastic he is or even how much experience he has, he will still not be a good teacher.

Learn to Play Guitar From a Real Pro That Has Experience Teaching & Playing

So first, he has to be a pro. The easiest way to judge is to look at the academic qualifications such as degrees and diplomas, playing ability and playing experience. With the guitar, you don’t always have to be rigidly stuck on asking for academic qualifications from an institution. There are plenty of other factors to consider. Some teachers have had plenty of years playing alongside good musicians while others discovered the knowledge on their own. There are even those who studied privately with a good teacher. So make sure you ask your teacher who was their teacher.

When it comes to people skills, it’s a fact that people are as unique as they are diverse. Some students are quick to learn, others take some time, some are cheerful, others are abrasive, some are eager to learn, others are know-it-all’s who debate on everything they are shown. For some cases, I’ll politely turn you back- for instance if you consistently fail to practice because you always “have more important things to do”. But you’ll have to really push me to the edge for that to happen.

I consider myself a people person, and have dealt with people from all ages and walks of life. It doesn’t matter if you’re a young kid excited about the guitar, or whether you’re in retirement looking for tune to master. I can effectively instruct you and take you through your guitar lesson! I’ll even get you laughing at my dumb jokes. We just have to speak in the same language. I’d be lying if I said I can give you guitar lessons using fluent Mandarin. Hence, be sure to assess your guitar teacher’s teaching skills.

Check out your teacher’s teaching ability.

Having knowledge is one thing. Conveying it effectively is another. First, your teacher must be able to convey instructions effectively. Your guitar teacher must also be in a position to choose for you a program of study. You don’t want to be sweep picking and modal soloing for the first whole month of your lessons. You don’t want a teacher who just throws metal riffs at you. Hence, you should pry some information from your teacher, especially how they plan on teaching you, their programs and how long the guitar lessons will last.

What you Should Know about Guitar Lessons

There is no such thing as a generalized guitar instruction approach. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all teaching method that works for all students. It’s one of the most common ways through which guitar teachers hide their lack of knowledge and experience. The only case in which a generalized approach is applicable is when it comes to total “beginners”. That’s just so that they can get in tune and know what they want. In order to help you effectively improve and reach your goals, a guitar teacher must use a specific teaching strategy for you and your unique goals.

Learning guitar using a one-on-one format is not always the best way to go. Of course, this depends on many different factors such as the student, learning speed, and overall skills of your teacher. Group lessons work for some students, but others need a different approach. So don’t have a fixed mindset. A variant guitar learning format may be the best for you. That’s why you need a highly skilled guitar teacher who will take the best course of action depending on your unique goals.

Very Few Guitar Teachers in Omaha Care About Your Progress.

Few teachers ever take students beyond the intermediate level. Most are not comfortable teaching advanced guitar concepts, as they fear that you may get “too good” for them to teach you. There, your skill is not the problem. The teacher is. Such teachers purposefully hold you back. They’re afraid that if you get too advanced you’ll stop taking their lessons, because they can no longer offer you valuable insight. You don’t want to land in such a situation. For such teachers, you’re just a business to them.

To me, you’re much more than that. Learning to play music is about expressing yourself and having the most fun you can possibly have! You excelling on guitar doesn’t make me jitter, it makes me proud. The student surpassing the teacher brings intangible joy. I want you to be the best you can be. If that includes you being greater than me, the better for you! Who knows, when you become a guitar master, you can show the world new concepts never seen before.

Are you looking to start taking guitar lessons in Omaha? I am just a click away. I’d love to hear from you.

Call Tyler: (402) 282-8688

Taking Lessons With Tyler Keller

Tyler Keller provides guitarists and musicians with a unique opportunity to enhance their musical skills through techniques, phrasing, and composition, all deeply rooted in music theory.

Unlike many online “trainers,” Tyler has personally taught hundreds of students in various styles, using the same effective strategies he will share with you.

These principles are integral to Tyler's own musicianship and compositions. Having toured the Midwest and performed with national acts such as Trapt, Drowning Pool, Saliva, Head Automatica, Tantric, and Ludo, Tyler brings a wealth of real-world experience to his teaching.

Tyler’s geometric approach to music instruction, in contrast to the traditional linear format, has helped hundreds of guitarists become more efficient and precise in their playing.

This extensive experience has provided him with a unique set of skills and knowledge that can help you learn guitar faster and compose your own music and solos, regardless of your previous musical background.

*Note: Tyler’s results are extraordinary and not typical. Individual results may vary. Please see the full disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

What Some Of My Students Say About Lessons

It's structured and you have an idea of what to actually work on. Taking guitar lessons can be fun. If its something you want to do, just know your going to have to work hard at it, and Ty is a great guy to teach you that. -Marcus

Taking lessons has helped my write songs a lot better. Ty is super patient and understanding which is super helpful. Ty is a great guy and really knows his stuff, and I have enjoyed every single lesson with him.

I like how everything is put together. I didn't expect to learn everything about music. I learned all the chords, or most of them. I went from zero to 100. Ty is awesome, has a lot of wisdom a good guy. Guitar is not nerve racking anymore. -Neil

I have the confidence to pick my guitar up in a room front of people and just play. Now I can play in front of friends and especially family. Ty is doing this for you and he will help you play and do what you want to do. -Braden

Guitar lessons are simple and fun and Ty listens to what I want to do instead of forcing me down a path. Ty listens to what his student wants and helps him achieve that in a fun way. -Bob

I tried watching YouTube videos and teaching myself and I just decided it would be easier to learn from someone. I'd highly recommend Ty for guitar lessons. -Zach

Spent 2 years watching YouTube Videos, and I feel like I've come a long way in a short amount of time with lessons. Tyler is very easy to relate to, he's a very nice guy. -Brian

I Didn't sound good when I started lessons. It was not fun to listen to myself play but it now it's getting more fun to listen to myself play. If you're going to learn guitar the only way to do it is lessons.. -Nate

I tried learning music theory on my own but it was just too complicated, and felt like I was going nowhere. I ask a lot of questions and Ty is always happy to answer. -Zoe

This Free Lesson is Only Available for a Limited Time


I love music but it takes me much longer to catch on, what should I do?

Don’t beat yourself up, many people have the same issue and it is easy to deal with. I would strongly recommend you sign up to a couple of my 3-4 per week sessions and options.

What days and times are you available?

I’m available Tuesday to Saturday – late after noon early evening

With all the free information online, why would I need a lesson?

There is much info online, but most of it is incorrect and unverifiable. The techniques instructed online usually contribute to the development of bad habits by teaching in spurts. On the other hand, signing up for lessons will improve your ability to learn progressively. What’s more, you will be playing guitar with fellow musicians and learning techniques, habits, and ideas that are only acquired through lessons.

Why should I choose you over other trainers?

Our studio offers you much more than private guitar lessons; we offer a training workshop with group learning sessions. We focus on learning geometrically so you can progress faster. Additionally, I have been a member of an International Guitar Teacher Organization, that has several guitar teachers sharing ideas and techniques to help their students learn efficiently and with the least effort.

Do you also teach note reading?

Yes, I do that but in a different way from the conventional/traditional sense. While it is not often quite important to learn that as a beginner, we can still teach note reading for those interested. It is done just as you would learn in piano lessons.

Does your training involve practice?

Absolutely, I recommend practice 30 minutes every day, 6 days every week if you want to learn how to play guitar like a pro. However, you can practice even more since there is no better way to learn guitar. It is quite easy to forget what you have learned if you never practice in your free time.

Will my fingers be hurt while learning?

Yes, it usually hurts for the first 2 weeks or so but this will stop once you develop calluses. After this stage, your fingers will be used to the guitar strings. There are other options to consider as well if your fingers are too sensitive or delicate. Professional guitarists often wear plucks although it is advisable to first learn using bare fingers as it will be much easier than wearing plucks

But I do not have a guitar, do you have any extras?

I do have session training guitars. Unfortunately I do not have a renting program for guitars. I would recommend you purchase one or get a renting program. Some guitar shops have such renting programs and you can use them for learning to play before you get money to buy yours.

Can I still keep my nails long?

Nope, you need to get rid of all long nails before you start playing a guitar? In fact, you cannot play a guitar correctly with long nails and they would constantly come in your way. Instead of worrying about damaging your nails while playing the guitar, simply keep them short.

Do you teach kids too?

Yes, I have guitar training sessions and lessons for kids as young as 8 years old. If you have kids younger than 8 years, the ukulele lessons or piano learning lessons would be more appropriate to start with.

How long will it take to learn?

Usually, it is difficult stating exactly how long guitar learning takes especially since this all depends on a number of factors. But most importantly, the more your practice, the shorter it takes you to learn a few techniques.

4611 S 96th St #102, Omaha, NE 68127, USA